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Revision: approved by the Executive Board June 2019


Section A. The name of the club shall be All About Art

Section B. The purpose of this organization is to create an inviting and supportive environment that encourages artistic development for people of all abilities who share a love of art through art education and opportunities to explore and grow.

Section C. These By-Laws willfully comply with the Community Association's (hereafter referred to as "Association") Governing Documents ("Documents"), and Chartered Club Rules and Procedures ("Rules"). In the event of a conflict between these By-Laws and the Documents, or Rules, the Documents or Rules shall prevail.

Section D. This Organization shall be operated as a Non-Profit Association in accordance with applicable statutes and the Association's Documents.

Section E. Sub-groups may be formed as needed. See Club Operations 3.3


Section A. Membership shall be open to all Association members in good standing without discrimination as to race, religion, gender, color, ethnic culture, or national heritage. Members shall be required to present their Activity Card or member number when joining the club.


Section B. There shall be no precondition for membership, other than every member must submit a valid CA number. If a particular skill is required, the club must provide instructions to prospective members. Members shall not be required to join any national, state, or regionally affiliated organization.


Section C. Guest privileges. Guests may be either non-member residents or non-resident guests. Guests may attend a maximum of three meetings per year as a non-member. Thereafter, a resident shall be required to become a dues' paying member. Non-resident guests may visit three times in one year, but not in any subsequent year. Non-resident guests may not become members of any club.


Section D. Dues/renewal dues shall be paid annually for the calendar year, January 1 through

December 31 and are determined by the executive board. Membership dues paid after September 30 apply to the remainder of the current year through December of the following year. Club membership is required to be renewed annually. Any increase in dues shall be approved by the general membership.



Section A. The Executive Board is the governing body of the club. It shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three members at large. At the discretion of the Board and in coordination with the Nominating Committee, the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer may be divided into Co-Positions with shared responsibilities. Nominees for these positions will be presented by the Nominating Committee to the General Membership at a General Quarterly Membership meeting to be voted upon. Any one member may not hold more than one position on the Executive Board. No two members of the same household may serve on the same executive board.


Section B. The Executive Board Members shall be elected by a vote of the general membership, shall serve without compensation and shall be considered the governing body of the Club. The newly elected officers (or appointed officers, in case of a vacancy), shall attest that they have read and understand and will abide by the club's by-laws, the Association's Chartered Club Rules and Procedures, and the Schedule of Fees and Community Rules. They do this by signing the New Club Officer's form CC 50 and forwarding it to the Lifestyle Services by December 1 st.


Section C. Terms of Office and Responsibilities

Each officer shall serve a term of two (2) years. The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer are limited to two consecutive terms. Members at Large are ineligible for immediate re-election after one two-year term. The positions of President, Treasurer, and one Member at Large shall be elected in odd numbered years for two year terms commencing on January 1 st of the following year. The positions of Vice President, Secretary and two Members at Large shall be elected in even numbered years for two year terms commencing in January of the following year.

Responsibilities. The President shall preside at all meetings; consult with other officers of the organization and/or the membership on all matters of concern to the organization.

The Vice President shall preside at meetings in the absence of the president and assist whenever necessary.

The Secretary shall record minutes of all executive board meetings and formal meetings of the club's general membership.

Members at Large represent the interests of the general membership on the Board. They may take responsibility for specified activities on the basis of interest and at the request of the President.

The Treasurer shall keep all records of financial transactions and assets, collect dues, keep an up-to-date membership list to include the CA# and maintain the club's checking account. The officers shall each have such powers and duties as generally pertain to their respective offices.

Section D. Nomination and Election Procedures

All members of the Executive Board will be elected by the club's general membership present. (a) A Nominating Committee consisting of three to five club members shall be appointed by the President at the July Quarterly meeting each year. The Nominating Committee shall present the proposed slate of officers at October Quarterly meeting and by email. Nominations may be made from the floor following the report of the Nominating Committee.

(b) Officers shall be elected by a 10% vote of the membership. Voting may be done by a show of hands. Members who are absent from the meeting will have the opportunity to submit nominations via email, and may vote via email within one week of the October Quarterly meeting. Voting for those present at the meeting may be by a show of hands if uncontested or shall be by secret ballot if more than one member is running for the same office.

Section E. Executive Board Meeting Quorum Procedures. The Executive Board shall hold regular meetings and at the discretion of any member of the board. A quorum shall consist of 51% of the Executive Board Members.

Section F. Executive Board Meeting Voting Procedures. Voting shall be by majority agreement.

Section G. Vacancies of Officers. Interim appointments shall be made by the President or Executive Board, to fill un-expired terms of office if and when an office becomes vacant.

Section H. Officers (Recall). Written notice of a proposed recall shall be given to members at least two weeks prior to any meeting called for such a purpose. An officer shall be removed from office by a 10% vote of the membership present at such a meeting. The vote shall be by secret ballot.

Section I. All Executive Board members, upon retiring from office, shall deliver all records, historical information and other property belonging to the club to their successor.


Section A. Types and Frequencies of Meetings. Generat membership meetings shall be held on a quarterly basis. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board. All meetings require either written or electronic notice to all members at least two weeks prior to the meeting. An agenda is required to be sent at least one week before the meeting.


Section B. Procedures not covered by these by-laws shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. See Appendix C in the CCR&Ps, Parliamentary Procedures.


Section C. Quorum. A quorum at a regular or special meeting shall consist of a minimum of 10% of the club's members at that time.


Section D. Voting procedures (unless otherwise stated in these by-laws,) requires a 10% vote by show of hands, unless an office is contested, or a secret ballot is requested.



If the Executive Board cannot resolve problems within the board members of the club, then a CA3195 (Request for Review by the Ad Hoc Committee) shall be sent to the Ad Hoc Committee and Lifestyle Services via email. If an issue arises with the club membership, the club member should bring the issue to the club's Executive Board. If a problem arises with a member in a sub-group it should be dealt with within the subgroup. If it cannot be dealt with within the subgroup it shall come to the club's Executive Board.


Section A. Financial records shall be maintained for a period of seven (7) years. These records shall remain with the current treasurer.

Section B. Dual signatures are required on all checks over $500. Electronic payments require two signatures on invoices. All expenditures shall be paid from the club's checking account, regardless of the amount. The purchasing of alt equipment and furniture over five-hundred dollars ($500.00) which is intended to become a permanent asset of the Community Association, must be reviewed and approved by Lifestyles.

All activities that involve financial transactions shall operate within the budget which shall be approved annually by the general membership. Non-budgeted *expenditures of up to $300 per transaction shall be approved by the Treasurer.

Section C. If any financial transactions take place within the club, the records must be certified on an annual basis by an individual(s) other than those elected to the executive board or their immediate family. The results of the certification (i.e., Form CC 90) shall be presented to the general membership and duly recorded in the applicable minutes of the meeting at which presented.

Section D. Responsibility for cash and inventory control shall be designated to an officer by the Executive Board. The financial records shall include:

  • A record of all moneys collected and dispersed into the club's checking account

  • An annual membership list (Form CC 20)

  • An annual inventory of all equipment and furniture on (Form CC 95).

  • An annual financial report based on a calendar year (Form CC 90). This report shall be submitted to the Lifestyle Services and made available to the general membership.


Section A. Standing committees and ad hoc committees shall be created as the executive board deems necessary to promote the objectives of the club.

Section B. Committee chairpersons may be appointed by the President or Executive Board


Section A. Notice requirement and procedure. Proposed by-laws changes shall be approved by the Executive Board and submitted to the Lifestyle Services for preliminary approval prior to their submission to the general membership for its approval. Club members shall be notified in writing of any meeting to amend the by-laws; such notice shall be a minimum of two weeks prior to that meeting.

Section B. To revise the by-laws of this club requires a 10% vote of the membership present at a meeting duly called for such a purpose, a quorum being present, and required notice being given. A complete revised copy of the by-laws will be presented to the club members and, upon a 10% vote by the membership, will be forwarded to the Lifestyle Director for final approval.


Prior to club dissolution, and after all debts are satisfied, all property and assets under the club control shall be documented and physically relinquished to the Community Association through


the Lifestyle Services













All About Art By-Laws-revised June 2019

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