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All About Art Logo

New Member Information

Our Mission

The purpose of our club is to create an inviting and supportive environment that encourages artistic development through education and opportunities, to explore and grow with people of all levels of abilities who share a love of art.

The All About Art Club operates under the Sun City Hilton Head Chart Club Rules and Procedures. These rules and procedures require our club to have an Executive Board. We are also required to have bylaws. They are posted on the bulletin board and the binder on the front desk.


The All About Art Club has a seven-member Executive Board:

  1. President

  2. Vice President

  3. Secretary

  4. Treasurer

  5. Member-at-Large (3)


3. In addition to our Executive Board, there are Committee Chairs who help manage our club from setting up classes for our members to cleaning the room.


4. A copy of the Executive Board and Committee Chairs Roster is included in the new member packets. There is also a copy in the binder at the front desk.

5. Meetings are held bi-monthly for a Joint Executive Board and Committee Chairs meeting. Any member is welcome to attend these meetings, but discussion is held to Board and Chairs only unless you notify the president at least two days before the meeting that you would like to speak. Check the calendar for meeting dates.


6. If you have anything you would like the Executive Board to consider, please put your suggestion in the Mailbox at the front desk or email the president.


7. There is a General Membership Meeting held quarterly. An email will be sent to you reminding you of the date and time. It also is on the calendar on the website

Club Communications

The club website is Browse the website for lots of useful information, some of which is the membership list, a club calendar, display rules and class schedule.


Emails will be sent from the president as needed to inform you of club events. 

Please feel free to email or call the club president if you have any questions.

Using the Library

Instructions on how to use the library are at the front counter.


You can check out any book or DVD that has a checkout card.


Please limit your check out time to one month and the number of items you check out to two.


Using the Big Screen TV


You are welcome to use the big screen TV to view videos if there are no meetings or classes in progress. Instructions are located on top of the bookshelf below the TV.


Monitoring at the Studio


All members are asked to monitor at the studio at least twice a year. Monitor training is managed by the Monitor Chair. (See Executive Board and Committee Chair Roster)


Open Studios


Open Studios are for all members, and it is free to attend. Open Studio time gives you an opportunity to meet other members who have the same art interest and make new friends. Bring your own art supplies.

Using the Art Studio

Put a plastic sheet on the table when you are working in any medium; pencil, oils, acrylics, watercolor, or pastels. The plastic sheets can be found in the cabinets under the sink. When you are finished, clean up your work area and return the plastic sheet to the cabinet.


Painting with traditional oils: Turpentine cannot be used in the art studio. You must use odorless turpenoid (not natural turpenoid). You must also remove any paper towels used with your oils or towels used to clean up any spills of turpenoid. Put them in a plastic bag and take them home to dispose of them outside the art room.


Painting with pastels: You may not use spray fixative in the art room. You must take the painting outside the art room to spray. Also, do not blow on your paintings to remove excess pastel. Take the painting outside to remove excess pastel. To help catch loose pastel dust while painting, place a cotton towel or dust cloth under your painting. Be sure to use the dust mop in the closet to pick up any loose dust that may have gotten on the floor.


Aerosol sprays: Any aerosol spray that requires adequate ventilation when using, may not be used in the art room. You must take them outside to use.


Spring and Fall Art Show and Sale


Each Spring and Fall the art club holds an art show and sale. Every club member is encouraged to enter their artwork in the shows. The categories for the show are oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, digitsl and drawing. Guidelines for entry to the show are posted on the website and are also available in a paper copy at the front desk. Guidelines are usually posted at least 45-60 days before a show. 


Judges from outside Sun City are invited to judge the artwork and award ribbons for First, Second, and Honorable Mention. Visitors to the art show select their favorite for People’s Choice.

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