June 22, 2022
Call to Order:
Kate Mace called the meeting to order at 1:05pm
There were 41 members in attendance. A quorum was established.
Approval of Minutes:
A motion was made to approve minutes. Moved, seconded & approved.
Special Acknowledgement : Kate Mace invited Linda Dzuba up front. Linda announced that she is retiring from treasurer position but will continue to be active in the club. Linda introduced Janice O’Brien as the asst. treasurer and Marianne Bruno as the new treasurer. Kate Mace then gifted Linda with a jade plant and card.
Treasurer’s Report
Marianne Bruno gave the report. Ending bank statement balance is $4,484.36. Total deposits in transit $2,348.75. Total outstanding payments $3,010.72. Club balance after all activity is processed $3,822.39.
President’s Comments:. Kate Mace asked that any new members introduce themselves and state their preferred medium.
Next a plea was made to have members volunteer to be part of the nominating committee which has to be in place by July. The positions needed are Vice President, Secretary and 2 Members at Large.
Kate also reported on the board's meeting with the Strategic Planning and Capital Expenditures Committee. There were 6 board members that attended. Kate received an email asking if the art club would be willing to chip in with some expenditures, the board will meet to discuss.
Our front porch is a mess, Kate has put in a work order to have it power washed. Possible cause is Fixative spray. Please spray on the grass.
Wall change over, pick up on Wednesday, June 29, and hanging of the wall on Thursday, June 30 .
If you don’t cancel your participation in an art class you will still be charged.
Committee Chair:
Fall Show: Judy Van Caster gave the dates for the show: October 27-30, 2022. The registration form is set. We still need a publicity person to get the show information out to Sun City venues. We also need a volunteer to contact a judge for the show.
Genesis: Kathy Kline
Kate Mace gave a report on the free classes: mat cutting, you will need to bring your own mat board. Portraits, Art Parties, Composition, etc. Keep your eye out for information. Rock Painting had their first class with 9 members participating. Some classes might have a small fee for some supplies.
Membership: Terry Broere: : We now have 310 members.
Hospitality: Donna Stephen: Refreshments are available during our meetings.
Monitors: Lynn Nasal: Monitors are needed desperately. There is a training session Monday June 27 at 10am.
If you are nervous about monitoring you are more than welcome to shadow one of our monitors, there are instructions at the front desk. We monitor the art room on Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Hours for monitoring are 9:30am-11:30am and 11:30am – 1:30pm.
First Saturday Sales: Cynthia Byers: Cynthia stated that we have had 2 or 3 new people jump in to sell items. If interested please call Cynthia for information on what you need to do.
Website: Tom Moseley: Tom is continuing to work on improving the website.
Website Calendar: Frances Sorgen: Frances is doing a great job on keeping our calendar up to date.
Supplies: Bob White: Kate Mace stated that Bob has spent around $400 on supplies.
Education: Jan Urbanic: Please check out all the classes that are being offered over the summer. Teachers that were at the meeting:
Cynthia Byers – watercolors, need some experience:
Elaine Duncan – pastel, pencil;
Marcie Frisch – collage, mixed media; &
Mary Treadwell – watercolor, 1st timers, Saturday class 1:30 – 4pm, Paint what you want.
We had 18 members show up to do mixed media for visiting teacher, Debi West
Terry Broere is taking over as Education chair. Thank you Jan Urbanic for taking on Education while also serving as co-president.
Committee: There were no other committee reports.
New Business:
Nancy Truman wanted to thank about 30 members for participating in Earth Day, with donations of art oriented to our earth.
Jan Urbanic gave a short shout out for the fun time had at the picnic, 47 members participated, a potluck meal and a fun art project.
Pauline Oliver talked about our ART IN BLOOM show with the Garden Club. Flower arrangements will be inspired by chosen paintings. Minimum size is 16 x 20. It will be People’s Choice. The show will be September 17-18, 2022 from 10am – 4pm. Submit painting in digital form by July 10. Volunteers will be needed for this event.
Telfair Museum: possible tour in the fall.
AKI KATO will be our speaker on October 5, 2022. A workshop will follow on November 4, 2022. He will supply everything but brushes.
Linda Grady: Creative Vision: This is the 10th Anniversary of collaboration with the Photography club and Fine Arts (All About Art club). The show will take place February 2-5, 2023. Almost all the committees have chairs, we will be looking for volunteers. Glass Crafters will collaborate on a trial basis this year, 2 will participate.
Meeting moved, seconded and passed to adjourn at 2:00pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pat Card, AAA Secretary
Mary Lynne Rooke introduced guest speaker Rose Cofield