Hi Everyone!
Thank you to all the volunteers who made the Tag Sale a roaring success! Special thanks to those who led the effort: Patti Roz and Pat Card! Other superlative volunteers were Sue Grilli,
Joan Turner, Ann Rotunno, Doreen Murzycki, and Cathy Smith----and of course all the bakers, and art supply donors. After taxes, we cleared $832.99, which is about half of what we will need to fix, and or replace the teacher’s mirror----or come up with another solution for our teachers. The result far exceeded our expectations!
In addition, we were able to donate some excellent art supplies, and a lightly used toaster oven and microwave to Programs for Exceptional People, a 501c3 local organization that serves adults who have developmental disabilities. They were grateful! This was definitely a WIN – WIN for all involved! Thank you!
Now, here’s what’s happening in August.
Art in Bloom
The First Saturday Sale
Happy Hour—every second Thursday evening from 5 – 6 PM.
The Art Party
Floor Cleaning
Wall Display
The August Class Schedule
Name Tags
Positions to Fill
A request for assistance
Please read the newsletter! At the request of our members, we limit the emails sent---so when we send them, they are chocked full of information. This is your main source of information for all of August! PLEASE READ IT!
Here goes!!
Art in Bloom is a collaborative effort between the A’vant Gardeners and All About Art. If you came last year, you know it was amazing! Wonderful art, flower arrangements, live music and light refreshments. It will be Saturday, September 9 10AM – 4 PM and Sunday, September 10 10 AM – 2 PM in the Art Room. Please watch for sign-up sheets on the front counter in the art room. We will need volunteer hosts and cookie donators!
First Saturday Sales. Inside and outside the Art Room, every first Saturday, members can sell their art. It will be this coming Saturday August 5 from 10 – noon. If you are interested in participating, please contact Cynthia Byers at cjbyers@sc.rr.com.
Happy Hour is the second Thursday from 5 – 6 PM, and it’s every month! August will be hosted by club member Terry Broere. Bring your own beverage and a snack to share if you wish. We hope the Artist of the Month will come! It’s fun to hang out with other artists, chat, and get to know other members. Mark your calendar!
The Art Party—See the flyer below. The August Art Party is Thursday, August 17, 6:30 – 8 PM. Fabric Painting on aprons will be led by member Pat Card. Absolutely no walk-ins will be welcomed because we bought just enough aprons! REMEMBER, IT IS MANDATORY TO REGISTER FOR THIS—DO NOT JUST SHOW UP!! To register you have to send an email. To register email Ann.Rotunno@gmail.com.
Floor Cleaning will be Monday, August 28---starting at 3:30 PM. The Art Room will be closed from then until Wednesday evening, August 30 at 9 PM. We are sorry for any inconvenience. (We know that the wonderful Wednesday morning Open Studio will not get the usual time. Thank you for understanding!!)
The Wall Display Pick-up your Display Wall Art on Wednesday, August 30, and drop off art for the September Display Wall on August 31 before 2 PM. By the way, the new Back Cabinet Monitors, Linda Dzuba and Sandra Ferry have done an amazing job. Big thanks go you both!!
August Class Schedule- Please remember that it is always necessary to sign up for all classes….even the Genesis classes.
August 4, 11, &18 (full day class) Foundations of Acrylic Lynne Drake 9:30 – 12 $125 for 4 classes
August 5, 12, 19 and 26th, Paint What You Love, 1:30 – 4 PM, Mary Treadwell, $25/class.
August 10 & 11 Watercolor, Books: 1:00-4:00 PM Cynthia Byers $35 for 2 classes.
August 14, Elements of Art, Genesis- Beyond the Stick Figure Series 6:30 – 7:30. FREE
August 16, Portrait Sketching, Genesis, 1:00-3:00 PM, Trish Jedrick & Kathe Kline. FREE
August 23 Rock Painting 6:30 – 8:30 PM FREE
August 24 Acrylic: Winslow Homer 9:30 – 12 noon. Lynne Drake, $25
August 25 Watercolor Beach Boardwalk, Cynthia Byers 1 – 4:30 $25
Name Tags. Thanks to Ellen Ovaska, and her brand-new-name-tag-distributing- assistants, Carol Anson, Sandra Ferry, and Joan Wykis! It’s amazing what they have accomplished! The name tags are almost all distributed!! Thank you!
Positions to fill. This is a great opportunity for you to step up and help the club! There is a need for a Hospitality Chair for 2024. Donna Stephen will complete this calendar year, but joining her now is a perfect opportunity to work alongside her and learn the ropes. Also, please be responsive when you’re contacted by a member of the Nominating Committee. Remember, we will need to elect a president(s), a treasurer, and a member at large for the All About Art Club to continue to function in 2024. Please consider helping out.
A Request for Assistance. A non-art club member, Mary Buzzie, 843 540 4865
needs somebody to finish a tree in a painting she bought. She thinks it is acrylics or oil. Please contact her directly, if you would like to find out more.
Thanks everyone! Have a happy and creative August. See you around the Art Room!
Jan Urbanic & Kate Mace
Co-Presidents, All About Art Club
Email suncityallaboutart@gmail.com
SunCity AllAboutArt
Jan Urbanic & Kate Mace
Co-Presidents, All About Art Club