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Hello everyone!  We are looking forward to all the events we have coming up this fall.

Here's what's coming up.

  1. Nominations

  2. Art in Bloom

  3. Fall Art Show

  4. New Member Orientation

  5. Creative Vision

  6. Art Party

  7. Happy Hour

  8. Art Club Challenge 

  9.  Membership Renewal

  10. Themed Art Wall 

  1. The Nominating Committee has been hard at work developing a slate for the upcoming club election.  As a reminder, you will be electing a President, a Treasurer, and one Member at Large at the General Meeting on October 4 at 1:00 PM in the Art Room. If you would like to be considered for a position, please contact the Nominating Committee Chair, Marilyn Farley,

  2. Art in Bloom is almost here!  HELP!  We are in need of 6 more cookie bakers for the show.  We’re asking each volunteer to make 3 dozen petite cookies to be dropped off on Thursday, Sept. 7.  

         If you can help, please contact Donna Stephen at

         Also, there are a couple more slots open for servers at the show.  Please sign up if you 
         can.  See Schedule below:

Sept. 8 - Set-up of Show - 2:00 Painting drop off

                    3:00 Drop off of florals

Sept. 9.  Show Hours     - 10-4

Sept. 10 - Show Hours   - 10-2


        There will be music and light refreshments - hope you all are planning to come see and 
         support this collaborative event between The Art and Garden Clubs. 

        3.   Fall Art Show - October 26-29  

         Mark your calendars for the AAA Fall Art Show scheduled for October 26th-29th.  
         Thursday, the 26th - Show opens with a reception at 4:30 for artists and          
                                           volunteers, and 5:00 PM to the public.
         Friday and Saturday -  Hours:  10-6

   Sunday                     -  Hours - 10-3


        Registration forms and show guidelines will be available in the AAA studio the week of 
        September 11th.  We are in need of volunteers for the following areas:

  Co-chair for Hospitality

  Drop-off day helpers

  Show Hosts


  Distribution of mailbox flyers

  Show closing and studio set up.


        We appreciate all the help and support you provided in the past and hope that you will 
        consider volunteering again.  Contact Cathy Smith at for 
         more information.


4.  New Member Orientation will be held Wednesday, Sept. 20 at 4 p.m. in the art room.

This is a great opportunity for all new members to tour the art room, learn about everything the club has to offer, and ask questions of the Presidents Kate and Jan.  All new and old members are encouraged to attend.


5.  The Art Party will be held on Thursday, Sept. 21 at 6:30 in the Art Room.   The topic is "Jasper Johns" along with a related hands-on activity.  Reservations are on a first come, first serve basis.  Please contact Ann aat ann.rotunno@gmail .com if you’d like to come.  See attached flyer.


6.  This month's Happy Hour will be Thursday, Sept. 14th, from 5-6 pm in the art room.  Meet fellow art enthusiasts and bring your own beverage, and if you like, a snack to share.


7.  A new artistic challenge for y’all!  As part of our initiative to publicize our great club, we would like to create buttons with the slogan, “Young @ Art”.  We’re asking our club members to come up with a design for these buttons.  It can be funky, colorful and eye-catching.  The buttons will be 3” in diameter.  So get those creative juices flowing, and send your ideas to Connie Silvester at by September 30. The board will select the winning design.


8.  It's time to renew your membership,  Membership dues are good through December 31, but anyone who renews between September 1 and December 31 will have their membership paid up through December 31, 2024.


9. We had a wonderful response when we suggested having a theme each month for the end panel of our display wall.  Maybe we can even designate the entire wall for "over-sized paintings" or maybe even an "anything goes".  Would you like to help plan these changes?  Please let Kate know ( We’ll assemble a committee so we can meet in September to start end-panel themed display by the end of the year.


10.  September Class Offerings


      Sept. 2, 16, 23, 30 - "Paint What You Love"  (1:30-4)

      Sept. 6 - ""Still Life Pears" (1-4:30)

      Sept. 11 - "Elements of Art:  Form" (6:30-7:30

      Sept. 14, 15, 21 & 22 - "Oil Painting Portrait"  (1-3:30)

      Sept. 21 - "Water Lilies" acrylic - (9:30-12)

      Sept. 20 - "Portrait Sketching" workshop - (1-3)

      Sept. 27 - "Rock Painting" (6:30-8:30)


       Come to the Art Room to sign up.


Thank you, and have a wonderful Labor Day!



Jan Urbanic  & Kate Mace

Co-Presidents,  All About Art Club



About Our Studio

The Studio is located in the Town Square,

at the Yemassee Crafts Center.

Please check calendar for latest information

Open Studio 

Monday and Tuesday 9:00 - 5:00  All mediums

Wednesday 9 - 12  All Mediums

Monitors present

Thursday - Saturday 9:30 - 1 :30


Yemassee Craft Center opens at 6 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m. daily.

No one is permitted to be in the building before or after these hours of operation. 

Artists using any mediums are welcome to use the studio at anytime.  

When there are classes in session, you are welcomed to use a table in the back row, if the row is not being used by class participants.

To Contact your webmaster, please click here.

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